Safety Consulting Services

Safety Basic

Get the workplace safety basics for your business by creating a professional health and safety program to maintain on your own.

$600 / mo

Save 20% if paid yearly!

Safety Plus

An excellent starting point for small and medium-sized businesses that need assistance in developing/maintaining a safety compliance program

$1200 / mo

Save 20% if paid yearly!

Safety Pro

Our most popular plan assists medium-sized and fast-growing companies in understanding and staying compliant with OHSA Regulations.

$2500 / mo

Save 20% if paid yearly!

Safety Premium

For larger companies that need 3rd party expertise to assist with any internal and external compliance issues or customized safety solutions

Custom Pricing Available

Safety Basic

Get the workplace safety basics for your business by creating a professional health and safety program to maintain on your own.

  • Initial Risk Assessment
  • Review Safe Work Procedures
  • Comprehensive Health & Safety Manual
  • Mini EHS Bulletin Board
  • Yearly Update/Review

Safety Plus

An excellent starting point for small and medium-sized businesses that need assistance in developing/maintaining a safety compliance program

  • Comprehensive Safety Program Audit w/Report
  • Quarterly Site Safety Inspection w/Report
  • Company Hazard Identification
  • Review Fire Safety Plan
  • Unlimited Ongoing Expert Safety Advice
  • Customized Safety Manual
  • Preferred Rates for HR Services
  • Complete Due Diligence Checklist
  • Gap Analysis / Develop Action Plan
  • Company Risk Assessment
  • Outline Company Legal Requirements
  • Customized EHS Bulletin Board
  • Preferred Rates for Onsite Safety Training
  • Preferred Rates for Employment Law Services

Safety Pro

Our most popular plan assists medium-sized and fast-growing companies in understanding and staying compliant with OHSA Regulations.

  • Comprehensive Safety Program Audit w/Report
  • Monthly Site Safety Inspection w/Report
  • Ongoing Hazard Identification
  • Review Fire Safety Plan
  • Unlimited Ongoing Expert Safety Advice
  • Customized Safety Manual
  • Live Webinars on Various Safety Topics
  • Free Unlimited Online Training on Select Courses
  • Complete Due Diligence Checklist
  • Ongoing Gap Analysis / Develop Action Plan
  • Ongoing Risk Assessment
  • Outline Company Legal Requirements
  • Customized EHS Bulletin Board
  • Virtual Monthly Safety Talks
  • Preferred Rates for Onsite Safety Training
  • Preferred Rates for Employment Law Services

Safety Premium

For larger companies that need 3rd party expertise to assist with any internal and external compliance issues or customized safety solutions.

Can include all the other features from our Safety Basic, Safety Plus & Safety Pro programs along with any of your company-specific requirements.

Our expert team can assist with all aspects of your EHS compliance requirements.


Health & Safety Program Review

Our complimentary one-hour safety review is a comprehensive assessment designed to identify any missing elements in your current safety program. We will evaluate your workplace practices, policies, procedures, and conditions to ensure they meet health and safety regulations. This review is not a physical audit but rather a detailed examination of your existing documentation. Following the review, we will provide tailored recommendations to enhance your safety program, helping you create a safer and more compliant working environment for your employees, visitors, and stakeholders.

Workplace Violence & Harassment Risk Assessment

A Workplace Violence Risk Assessment (WPVRA) should be completed. Conducting a workplace violence and harassment risk assessment is crucial for maintaining a safe and respectful environment for all employees. This assessment helps identify potential threats and vulnerabilities, ensuring that appropriate measures are in place to prevent incidents. By proactively addressing these risks, companies can foster a positive workplace culture, comply with legal obligations, and protect employees from harm. Ultimately, this assessment promotes a secure and supportive work environment, enhancing overall employee well-being and productivity.

Development of Fire Safety Plans

A Fire Safety Plan is essential for ensuring the safety of all building occupants in the event of a fire. It outlines emergency procedures, evacuation routes, and safety protocols to minimize risks and facilitate a swift response.

We help clients develop comprehensive Fire Safety Plans by:

  • Conducting a thorough assessment of the premises.
  • Identifying potential fire hazards.
  • Designing tailored evacuation routes and emergency procedures.
  • Training staff on fire safety protocols.
  • Ensuring compliance with local fire safety regulations.

    We aim to create effective Fire Safety Plans that protect lives and property while ensuring regulatory compliance.

    Hazard Identification / Risk Assessment

    We ensure workplace safety and compliance through a streamlined hazard assessment process:

    • Initial Consultation: Understand your workplace and potential hazards.
    • Site Inspection: Identify physical, chemical, biological, and ergonomic hazards.
    • Documentation Review: Evaluate existing safety policies and records.
    • Risk Analysis: Assess and prioritize identified hazards.
    • Employee Interviews: Gather insights on unreported hazards and safety concerns.
    • Recommendations: Provide actionable steps to mitigate risks and improve safety.
    • Follow-Up Support: Assist with implementation and periodic reviews.

      Our goal is to create a safer and more productive workplace for your employees and stakeholders.

      Gap Analysis

      Our gap analysis identifies gaps between your current safety practices and industry standards. We thoroughly review your existing policies, procedures, and compliance measures to pinpoint areas needing improvement. Based on our findings, we provide tailored recommendations to bridge these gaps, enhancing your workplace safety and ensuring regulatory compliance.

      Vital Service Disruption Plan 

      Developing vital service disruption plans involves a structured approach to ensure business continuity for clients. The key steps include:

      • Assessment: Understand client needs and identify potential risks.
      • Critical Services Identification: Map essential services and their dependencies.
      • Mitigation and Response Strategies: Develop preventive measures and response plans for various disruptions.
      • Documentation and Training: Create comprehensive plans, conduct training, and establish communication protocols.
      • Testing and Review: Regularly test and update plans through simulations and feedback.
      • Integration and Compliance: Align with overall risk management and regulatory requirements.

        This ensures clients are prepared to handle disruptions and maintain critical operations effectively.

        Health & Safety Program Development

        Developing a Health and Safety (H&S) program for our clients involves:

        • Initial Assessment: We inspect the client’s workplace to identify hazards and assess risks.
        • Policy Development: We create a customized H&S policy with defined roles and responsibilities.
        • Risk Management: We identify hazards and implement control measures.
        • Training: We train employees on safety procedures and emergency responses.
        • Implementation: We establish and enforce safety procedures and ensure equipment is maintained.
        • Monitoring: We conduct regular safety inspections and set up incident reporting.
        • Evaluation: We review and improve the H&S program regularly.
        • Documentation: We maintain records and ensure regulatory compliance.
        • Continuous Improvement: We update the program with best practices and new regulations.

        This approach ensures clients have a safe and compliant work environment.

        Workplace Incidents and Accident Investigations

        We assist with workplace accidents and investigations through a systematic and supportive process that includes:

        • Immediate Response: Provide emergency support and document the incident.
        • Investigation: Conduct thorough investigations to identify causes.
        • Reporting: Prepare detailed reports and ensure compliance.
        • Corrective Actions: Recommend and help implement measures to prevent recurrence.
        • Training: Provide targeted training to address identified issues.
        • Support: Offer ongoing support and review effectiveness.
        • Continuous Improvement: Update safety policies and integrate best practices.

        This ensures effective management and prevention of future incidents.

        Ministry of Labour Guidance & Liaison

        We assist with the Ministry of Labour and other government agency issues by:

        • Compliance Support: Ensure clients meet all regulations and standards across various agencies.
        • Inspection Preparation: Help prepare for and navigate inspections by the Ministry of Labour and other regulatory bodies.
        • Documentation: Assist in organizing and maintaining required records and reports for multiple agencies.
        • Issue Resolution: Provide guidance and support in resolving violations or disputes with any government body.
        • Training: Offer training on regulatory compliance and best practices for dealing with various agencies.
        • Ongoing Guidance: Provide expert advice on staying compliant with evolving regulations from different agencies.

        This comprehensive approach helps clients manage and comply with requirements from the Ministry of Labour and other government agencies.

        Claims Management & Rebate Assessment Guidance

        We assist clients in achieving safety excellence and managing workers’ compensation claims by:

        • Safety Excellence Programs: Help develop and implement comprehensive safety programs aligned with Workers’ Compensation Board (WCB) standards to enhance workplace safety.
        • Training: Provide training and resources to educate employees on safety practices and compliance requirements.
        • Claims Management: Guide clients through the claims process, from initial reporting to case resolution, ensuring accurate documentation and timely submission.
        • Risk Reduction: Assist in identifying workplace risks and implementing preventive measures to reduce the likelihood of claims.
        • Ongoing Support: Offer continuous support in managing claims and navigating the requirements of different WCBs.

        This approach helps clients maintain a safe work environment and effectively manage workers’ compensation claims.

        COR™ / ISO 45001 Services and Assistance

        We assist companies in preparing for the COR (Certificate of Recognition) and ISO 45001 audit by:

        • Gap Analysis: Conduct a thorough review of current safety practices to identify areas for improvement.
        • Documentation Support: Help organize and compile necessary documents, records, and procedures required for the audit.
        • Training and Education: Provide training for employees and management on COR or ISO 45001 standards and requirements.
        • Implementation of Best Practices: Assist in implementing industry best practices to meet COR or ISO 45001 criteria.
        • Mock Audits: Perform mock audits to identify potential issues and provide corrective actions.
        • Ongoing Guidance: Offer continuous support and advice to ensure all standards are met and maintained for successful audit completion.

        This ensures companies are well-prepared and compliant for the COR or ISO 45001 audit, leading to certification.

        3rd Party Safety Consulting

        As your safety advisor and provider, we offer:

        • Expert Guidance: Provide specialized knowledge and expertise in safety compliance and best practices.
        • Tailored Solutions: Develop customized safety programs to meet your unique needs.
        • Regulatory Compliance: Ensure compliance with industry regulations and standards.
        • Risk Management: Help identify and mitigate workplace hazards.
        • Cost Efficiency: Reduce costs associated with safety management through our third-party services.


        • Improved Safety: Enhance workplace safety and reduce accident rates.
        • Compliance Assurance: Stay compliant with evolving regulations.
        • Resource Savings: Save time and resources by outsourcing safety management.
        • Access to Expertise: Benefit from our extensive industry knowledge and experience.

        Workplace Safety Audits

        We conduct workplace safety audits by:

        • On-Site Inspection: Identify hazards and compliance issues.
        • Document Review: Check safety records and policies.
        • Employee Interviews: Assess safety practices and awareness.
        • Risk Assessment: Prioritize risks based on severity.
        • Audit Report: Deliver findings and recommendations.
        • Follow-Up: Support implementation of improvements.

        This ensures a safer, compliant workplace.

        Workplace Health & Safety Inspections

        We conduct site safety inspections by:

        • Pre-Inspection Planning: Tailor the inspection plan to client needs.
        • On-Site Walkthrough: Identify hazards and non-compliance.
        • Employee Interaction: Assess safety practices and knowledge.
        • Document Check: Review safety records and logs.
        • Immediate Feedback: Provide on-the-spot recommendations.
        • Detailed Reporting: Deliver a report with findings and improvements.
        • Violation Citations: If authorized, issue violation citations for non-compliance.
        • Follow-Up: Support implementation of safety measures.

        This ensures a safe, compliant work environment and helps address non-compliance effectively.

        Health and Safety Training

        Our comprehensive onsite safety training includes:

        • Tailored Training Programs: We provide customized safety training at your location, using your equipment to ensure relevance and effectiveness.
        • Convenient Onsite Delivery: We conduct training at your site, minimizing time delays and costs, and ensuring practical, hands-on experience.
        • Wide Range of Topics: Cover essential safety topics, from equipment handling to emergency procedures, tailored to your industry needs.
        • Online Course Options: Offer flexible online courses that can be completed remotely for added convenience.
        • Expert Instructors: Use qualified instructors to deliver high-quality training and ensure staff compliance and safety.

        This approach ensures your staff receive the necessary training efficiently and effectively, directly at your workplace.